Це стара версія документу!
PowerDNS DNSDist
Розгортаємо високопродуктивний безкоштовний DNS-сервер в складі авторитарного сервера з доменами користувача, окремим рекурсивним сервером і балансувальником dnsdist
All we do from sudo user!!!
Install DNSdist
Встановлення та налаштування балансувальника dnsdist
Dnsdist - це високопродуктивний DNS-, DoS- та abuse балансувальник.
Основне його завдання полягає у маршрутизації трафіку на найкращий сервер, що забезпечує максимальну продуктивність для дозволених користувачів, у той час як відбувається шунтування або блокування шкідливого трафіку.
Має величезну кількість корисних функцій:
- Фільтрувати трафік (з ядра)
- Перевіряти прямий трафік з консолі
- Затримувати та обмежувати швидкість поганих запитів
- Інтелектуальне балансування навантаження
- Обмеження QPS та ін.
В репозиторіях є зазвичай, застаріла версія, тому заглянемо на сайт https://repo.powerdns.com/
Там знаходимо стабільну версію програми і застосовуємо зміни в списку репозиторіїв
sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://repo.powerdns.com/debian bullseye-dnsdist-17 main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pdns.list'
tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/dnsdist<<EOF Package: dnsdist* Pin: origin repo.powerdns.com Pin-Priority: 600 EOF
curl https://repo.powerdns.com/FD380FBB-pub.asc | sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/powerdns.gpg --import chmod 644 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/*
Встановимо пакет dnsdist.
apt-get update -y apt-get install -y dnsdist
Відкриваємо конфігураційний файл
nano /etc/dnsdist/dnsdist.conf
і наводимо до такого вигляду:
setLocal('') addLocal('ANOTHER_IP') addLocal('ANOTHER_IPV6_IP') setACL({''}) -- Allow all IPs access newServer({address='', pool='auth'}) newServer({address='', pool='recursor'}) recursive_ips = newNMG() recursive_ips:addMask('') recursive_ips:addMask('') addAction(NetmaskGroupRule(recursive_ips), PoolAction('recursor')) addAction(AllRule(), PoolAction('auth'))
Якщо хочемо відкрити рекурсію для всіх, то прибираємо всі правила і додаємо recursive_ips:addMask('').
УВАГА! У такому режимі є можливість DDoS-атаки!
Підправимо конфіг рекурсора:
nano /etc/powerdns/recursor.d/recursor.local.conf
Підправимо конфіг auth:
nano /etc/powerdns/pdns.d/pdns.local.conf
/etc/init.d/pdns-recursor restart /etc/init.d/pdns restart
Додаємо сервіс dnsdist в автозавантаження та перезапускаємо:
systemctl enable dnsdist
systemctl start dnsdist
До основних репозиторіїв необхідно в кінець кожного додати “non-free”, інакше деякі пакунки не буде знайдено для встановлення.
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 11.4.0 _Bullseye_ - Official amd64 NETINST 20220709-10:31]/ bullseye main deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye main non-free deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye main non-free deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security main non-free deb-src http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security main non-free # bullseye-updates, to get updates before a point release is made; # see https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch02.en.html#_updates_and_backports deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye-updates main non-free deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye-updates main non-free
apt update && apt install -y snmp-mibs-downloader snmp snmpd
comment line “mibs :” for snmp-mibs-downloader
nano /etc/snmp/snmp.conf
nano /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
master agentx agentxperms 0700 0700 _dnsdist _dnsdist rocommunity dnsdist42
cd /usr/share/snmp/mibs wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerDNS/pdns/master/pdns/dnsdistdist/DNSDIST-MIB.txt wget https://www.circitor.fr/Mibs/Mib/F/FLOAT-TC-MIB.mib
chown -R _dnsdist:root /etc/dnsdist/ chown -R pdns:root /etc/powerdns/ chmod 775 /var/agentx/
Для активації SNMP потрібно в кінець файлу
nano /etc/dnsdist/dnsdist.conf
додати рядок
systemctl restart snmpd
systemctl restart dnsdist
journalctl -xe
Перевірити працездатність SNMP можна наступними командами
snmpwalk -v2c -c dnsdist42 . snmpwalk -v2c -m DNSDIST-MIB -c dnsdist42
Ось вивід останньої
DNSDIST-MIB::queries.0 = Counter64: 18 DNSDIST-MIB::responses.0 = Counter64: 1 DNSDIST-MIB::servfailResponses.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::aclDrops.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::ruleDrop.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::ruleNXDomain.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::ruleRefused.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::selfAnswered.0 = Counter64: 17 DNSDIST-MIB::downstreamTimeouts.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::downstreamSendErrors.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::truncFailures.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::noPolicy.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::latency01.0 = Counter64: 17 DNSDIST-MIB::latency110.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::latency1050.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::latency50100.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::latency1001000.0 = Counter64: 1 DNSDIST-MIB::latencySlow.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::latencyAVG100.0 = STRING: "2404.139327" DNSDIST-MIB::latencyAVG1000.0 = STRING: "263.185870" DNSDIST-MIB::latencyAVG10000.0 = STRING: "26.556655" DNSDIST-MIB::latencyAVG1000000.0 = STRING: "0.265830" DNSDIST-MIB::uptime.0 = Counter64: 33051 DNSDIST-MIB::realMemoryUsage.0 = Counter64: 73154560 DNSDIST-MIB::nonCompliantQueries.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::nonCompliantResponses.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::rdQueries.0 = Counter64: 18 DNSDIST-MIB::emptyQueries.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::cacheHits.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::cacheMisses.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::cpuUserMSec.0 = Counter64: 18324 DNSDIST-MIB::cpuSysMSec.0 = Counter64: 60627 DNSDIST-MIB::fdUsage.0 = Counter64: 97 DNSDIST-MIB::dynBlocked.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::dynBlockNMGSize.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::ruleServFail.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::securityStatus.0 = Counter64: 1 DNSDIST-MIB::specialMemoryUsage.0 = Counter64: 55439360 DNSDIST-MIB::ruleTruncated.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::backendName.0 = STRING: DNSDIST-MIB::backendName.1 = STRING: DNSDIST-MIB::backendLatency.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::backendLatency.1 = Counter64: 2 DNSDIST-MIB::backendWeight.0 = Counter64: 1 DNSDIST-MIB::backendWeight.1 = Counter64: 1 DNSDIST-MIB::backendOutstanding.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::backendOutstanding.1 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::backendQPSLimit.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::backendQPSLimit.1 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::backendReused.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::backendReused.1 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::backendState.0 = STRING: up DNSDIST-MIB::backendState.1 = STRING: up DNSDIST-MIB::backendAddress.0 = STRING: "" DNSDIST-MIB::backendAddress.1 = STRING: "" DNSDIST-MIB::backendPools.0 = STRING: auth DNSDIST-MIB::backendPools.1 = STRING: recursor DNSDIST-MIB::backendQPS.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::backendQPS.1 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::backendQueries.0 = Counter64: 0 DNSDIST-MIB::backendQueries.1 = Counter64: 1 DNSDIST-MIB::backendOrder.0 = Counter64: 1 DNSDIST-MIB::backendOrder.1 = Counter64: 1
Часто буває необхідність з різних причин блокувати небажані домени, ось мій варіант
mkdir -p /etc/dnsdist/conf.d/
Для активації читання конфігурацій з /etc/dnsdist/conf.d/ підправимо
nano /etc/dnsdist/dnsdist.conf
додавши в кінець рядок
nano /etc/dnsdist/conf.d/dagg.conf
-- https://github.com/enilfodne/dnsdist-adblock/blob/master/dagg/dagg.lua -- add "includeDirectory("/etc/dnsdist/conf.d")" to /etc/dnsdist/dnsdist.conf -- put this file into "/etc/dnsdist/conf.d" Dagg = { -- config config = { blacklistip = "", actionlog = { path = "/var/log/dnsdist_blocked.log", }, blocklist = { path = "/etc/dnsdist/black.list", }, reload = { target = "reload.blacklist.local.", }, unload = { target = "unload.blacklist.local.", }, }, -- table storing the domains that need to be blocked table = { -- only used for wildcard domains smn = newSuffixMatchNode(), -- default - fast string comparison str = {}, }, } -- read all the domains in a set function DaggLoadDomainsFromFile(file) local f = io.open(file, "rb") -- verify that the file exists and it is accessible if f ~= nil then for domain in f:lines() do domain = domain:lower() domain = domain.."." if string.find(domain, "*.") then local suffix = domain:gsub("*.", "") Dagg.table.smn:add(suffix) else Dagg.table.str[domain] = true end end f:close() end end -- verbose, but clear function DaggLoadBlocklist() -- no reason, just for clarity local file = Dagg.config.blocklist.path -- not really necessary, but keep similarity to other versions local f = io.open(file, "rb") if f ~= nil then -- file exists, close and proceed with sed f:close() -- it appears that even when using: -- -- 'local var = str2 .. str2' -- -- the variable is not being garbage-collected -- and it ends up looking like a memory leak. -- -- let me know if if there's a better way -- os.execute("sed '/\\.$/ ! s/$/\\./' -i " .. file) else errlog "[Dagg] the blocklist file is missing or inaccessible!" end DaggLoadDomainsFromFile(file) end -- clear the table from memory function DaggClearTable() Dagg.table = { smn = newSuffixMatchNode(), str = {}, } end -- write down a query to the action log function DaggWriteToActionLog(dq) -- write-down the query local f = io.open(Dagg.config.actionlog.path, "a") if f ~= nil then local query_name = dq.qname:toString() local remote_addr = dq.remoteaddr:toString() local msg = string.format("[%s][%s] %s", os.date("!%Y-%m-%dT%TZ", t), remote_addr, query_name) f:write(msg, "\n") f:close() end end -- main query action function DaggIsDomainBlocked(dq) local qname = dq.qname:toString():lower() if (Dagg.table.smn:check(dq.qname) or Dagg.table.str[qname] ) then errlog ("[Dagg] "..qname.." in blacklist and redirected to ".. Dagg.config.blacklistip) -- set QueryResponse, so the query never goes upstream dq.dh:setQR(true) -- set a CustomTag -- you can optionally set a tag and process -- this request with other actions/pools -- dq:setTag("Dagg", "true") -- WARNING: it (may?) affect(s) performance -- DaggWriteToActionLog(dq) -- return NXDOMAIN - its fast, but apparently -- some apps resort to hard-coded entries if NX -- try spoofing in this instance. -- return DNSAction.Nxdomain, "" -- return Spoof - you can spoof the response -- instead of NX, but this may lead to time-outs return DNSAction.Spoof, Dagg.config.blacklistip end return DNSAction.None, "" end addAction(AllRule(), LuaAction(DaggIsDomainBlocked)) -- reload action function DaggReloadBlocklist(dq) infolog "[Dagg] re/loading blocklist..." -- prevent the query from going upstream dq.dh:setQR(true) -- clear DaggClearTable() -- clean-up collectgarbage "collect" -- load DaggLoadBlocklist() -- clean-up collectgarbage "collect" -- respond with a local address just in case return DNSAction.Spoof, "" end addAction(Dagg.config.reload.target, LuaAction(DaggReloadBlocklist)) -- unload action function DaggUnloadBlocklist(dq) infolog "[Dagg] unloading blocklist..." -- prevent the query from going upstream dq.dh:setQR(true) -- clear DaggClearTable() -- clean-up collectgarbage "collect" -- respond with a local address just in case return DNSAction.Spoof, "" end addAction(Dagg.config.unload.target, LuaAction(DaggUnloadBlocklist))
nano /etc/dnsdist/black.list
nano /etc/dnsdist/get_black_list.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl # -------------------------- Dagg -------------------------- # https://t.me/MrMethod # ---------------------------------------------------------- # ver. 2022.10.06 rev. 654 # ---------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use JSON; use Net::DNS; #use Data::Dumper; use LWP::UserAgent; my $blacklist_url = 'http://example.com/blackdns.json'; my $blacklist_file = '/etc/dnsdist/black.list'; my $reload_host = 'reload.blacklist.local'; my %old_dns = (); if (open(my $fh, $blacklist_file)) {#'<:encoding(UTF-8)', while( my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; $old_dns{$line} = 1; } close($fh); } else { warn "Could not open file '$blacklist_file' $!"; } #print Dumper \%old_dns; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 }, protocols_allowed => ['http', 'https'], timeout => 60, ); my $response = $ua->get($blacklist_url); my %new_dns = (); if ($response->is_success) { #print $response->decoded_content; my @new_list = @{decode_json($response->decoded_content)}; %new_dns = map { $_ => 1 } @new_list; # print Dumper \%new_dns; } elsif ($response->is_error){ print "Error: $blacklist_url\n"; print $response->error_as_HTML; } else { die $response->status_line; } if ( scalar %new_dns && join( ' ', sort keys %old_dns) ne join( ' ', sort keys %new_dns) ) { my $new = join( "\n", sort keys %new_dns); #print $new."\n"; if (open(my $fh, '>', $blacklist_file)) { print $fh $new; close($fh); # Set options in the constructor my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new( nameservers => [ '' ], recurse => 0, debug => 0, ); print "Have updates for black.list\n"; my $packet = $resolver->send( $reload_host, 'A' ) if $reload_host; } else { warn "Could not open file '$blacklist_file' $!"; } } else { print "black.list already updated\n"; } 1;
cpanm -n JSON JSON::PP Net::DNS LWP::UserAgent LWP::Protocol::https
perl /etc/dnsdist/get_black_list.pl
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/dnsdist.service.d/ tee /etc/systemd/system/dnsdist.service.d/override.conf<<EOF [Service] ExecStartPost=-"/usr/bin/sleep 5; /usr/bin/env dig @ reload.blacklist.local;" EOF
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable dnsdist systemctl restart dnsdist journalctl -xe
/etc/init.d/pdns-recursor restart
rec_control wipe-cache /etc/init.d/pdns-recursor status